We do not take payment upfront!
We will do waves 1-68 before you pay us anything.
Payment is then taken from an alt account or with real-life money.
- No email or password is required, as this is done through remote access.
- No bank pin is required! You gear yourself before we connect to your PC.
- No expensive armour is required! (check out our gear section for more information)
Check out our pricing calculator.
Be sure to pick the correct region to get an accurate price.
If you have any other questions not answered by the calculator, head over to the live chat.
To place an order, you must create a ticket in our Discord server.
Remember that upon entering and making a ticket in our Discord server, you will get direct messages from scammers using our Discord names.
Please block them! Everything is done through the ticket only! We will never private message you.
Join our Discord

Look for the section called "make a ticket" and choose the correct region:

To simply make the ticket, just click the "create a ticket" icon:
Once you have clicked the icon, a private chat will open up at the top of the Discord with a notification:

Once you have created the ticket, you can now type in this private ticket.
Once you create a ticket and confirm you want to go ahead, we will arrange a time that suits you and your caper.
This will usually be within 1-3 days of creating your ticket.
Any application enabling users to remotely access another computer, no matter how far away it is.
- It uses your own keyboard and mouse as if it's you playing the game.
- Does not require you to give us your password or remote auth.
- Most importantly, it uses your own IP address, which is the main factor for checking if an Inferno Cape is done by the owner of the account.
We currently use 2 programs to remote to your computer:
- Hosting is available for Windows 10+.
- Hosting is available for MacOS 10.15+.
- This program is only used for people who still have Windows 7 or can't meet hosting hardware requirements on Parsec.
- 3+ upload speed (varies depending on your location).
- Must be a decent computer (we can easily test this).
- NOT REQUIRED BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Ethernet connection (ethernet cable connected from your router to your pc).
- All of the above can easily be tested by us within minutes, to assure the cape can be completed.
Once we have reached wave 69, we will pause the wave and take payment from you.
We will give you back access to your pc so you can log in to your alt and trade us, or you can simply go on mobile and do it from there. If paying with real-life money, you can simply use your phone to send it or we can disconnect from your pc if you require access to it.